Angelia/Hermes Lite V2.0

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Re: Angelia/Hermes Lite V2.0

Messagepar marc » 24 mai 2017, 13:36

et hop, Alexandrite change de nom et devient "Mentor"
Pas de nom façon "alex-qqchose" puisque ce n'est pas lié aux filtres
Mentor était le tuteur de Télémaque. Ca me semble bien indiqué pour un système de monitoring du P.A. . Dans le droit fil des noms de baptêmes mythologiques du TAPR

nouveau nom, mais également schéma de pondu... ... ematic.pdf

I feel like a kicad stakhanovist
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Re: Angelia/Hermes Lite V2.0

Messagepar Steve » 24 mai 2017, 14:41

Tu vas enfin pouvoir faire de la transmission sans fil d'Ariane !
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Re: Angelia/Hermes Lite V2.0

Messagepar marc » 25 mai 2017, 16:52

Hello SDR junkies

ci-après, une explication générale des fonctions d'Angelia et de ses évolutions, par Warren NR0V. C'est un peu long, mais instructif
Deux messages se suivent

Hi Mark,
First, for clarity in my comments, let me define a couple terms. A "receiver," in this context, is a software entity that provides the user with audio, a panadapter display, and a set of controls for these. A "DDC" (Digital Down-Conversion) is a firmware entity that provides a received data-stream with a specified center frequency to the software.

Given these definitions, PowerSDR mRX has two, or maybe three, receivers at present: RX1, RX2, and RX1-Sub. From a signal-processing perspective, RX1-Sub is a totally independent receiver. However, it uses the same data-stream used for RX1 and the user interface does not include a separate panadapter or a complete set of separate controls for it. Just to emphasize, this is totally a user interface limitation, not a signal processing limitation. RX1/RX1-Sub uses the data-stream from one DDC and RX2 uses the data stream from a second DDC.

There are a couple ways in which we use the data-streams from additional DDCs, when they are available. Stitched Receivers uses two more DDCs to triple the width of the RX1 panadapter. Also, PureSignal uses two more DDCs to get the feedback it needs for calibration. On radio models like the 10E that only have two DDCs, we cannot support stitched receivers and have to do some fancy switching between receive and transmit for PureSignal operation.
We have a new version of the console application for the "new protocol," Protocol_2. That's called Thetis. The user interfaces for PowerSDR mRX and Thetis currently look quite a bit alike. However, there are some significant new features in Thetis and a lot more differences under the hood. Both share the same DSP code, the WDSP library. However, the rest of the datapath has been rewritten for Thetis. In PowerSDR mRX, the datapath code to which I'm referring is in the JanusAudio dll and in an "audio callback" in the file audio.cs. That code is not present in Thetis, it has been replaced by the ChannelMaster.dll.

By design, the ChannelMaster.dll makes it very easy to instantiate the datapaths for more receivers and assign these receivers to DDCs. Just by specifying the number of receivers desired, all the datapath is magically instantiated and datapath resources are allocated appropriately. What is not complete, however, is a separate user interface (including panadapter and a full set of controls) for each new receiver. After Doug and I wrote the ChannelMaster.dll, we did prototype the UI for additional receivers. We have a development version of Thetis that opens additional receiver windows, each with a separate panadapter and a very minimal set of receiver controls. This works fine ... we just haven't gotten around to the SIGNIFICANT job of completing the UI, complete with all desired controls.

The number of receivers that make sense is also somewhat limited by the number of DDCs --- that varies by radio model depending upon the size of the FPGA.



For Protocol_1, the number of DDCs is as follows: Original_Hermes - 4, Hermes_14bit - 2, Angelia - 7, Orion - 7, Orion MkII - 7. I think there is room in the FPGAs of Orion and Orion MkII (perhaps Angelia) for even more DDCs; however, there has not been a need for them to this time.
For Protocol_2, the number of DDCs is the same, EXCEPT, there has been discussion of only having 2 DDCs in the original Hermes. The reason relates to regulated power since more power is required for the Gbit ethernet used for Protocol_2. The firmware developers and board designers will make final decisions on this. Right now, in Thetis, I'm assuming that the original Hermes has only 2 DDCs.

PureSignal use of DDCs:

For Protocol_1: The Hermes_14bit is treated specially. When PureSignal is used, during transmit, both DDCs are tuned to the TX frequency and used to provide feedback for PureSignal. During RX, they are returned to their receive frequencies. For other models, two DDCs are allocated to PureSignal when it is used. For these other models, it is therefore possible to receive on the RX2 receive frequency at the same time as you are transmitting on the TX frequency and using PureSignal. For these other models, you can also have the DUP display on the receive frequency while transmitting.

For Protocol_2: The situation is similar to Protocol_1. However, Thetis, with its more flexible underlying software architecture, supports some situations that are not supported in PowerSDR. For example, two DDCs can be used for Diversity reception on RX1 at the same time as you're receiving another frequency (using another DDC) on RX2.

Use of "ddc swapping":

Yes, the software could just pretend that there are only two DDCs and operate that way with PureSignal and Diversity, leaving any other DDCs free for other uses. However, this creates some situations where features don't work at the same time or there is no DUP panadapter display (at least on the receive frequency). It is desirable to have the receive data streams remain available during transmit.

Yes, we "could" stitch more DDCs together on panadapters. HOWEVER, we are not currently taking that approach on Thetis. With Protocol_2, we have sample rates up to 1.5Mhz which means that we can have up to 1.5Mhz panadapter widths without stitching. We also have a 0-55Mhz wideband spectrum display.

Warren NR0V
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Re: Angelia/Hermes Lite V2.0

Messagepar f4grx » 27 mai 2017, 15:46

Intéressant tout ca.
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Re: Angelia/Hermes Lite V2.0

Messagepar marc » 27 mai 2017, 17:50

Bloub (respectueuses salutations en langage carpe)

A quelques détails de silkmask à peaufiner, Mentor est prêt pour se faire Gerberiser. C'est une carte totalement accessoire, mais comme elle était simple à router, j'ai cédé à la facilité.
Certes, j'en connais qui pinailleraient sur le routage. oh, hé! hein ? bon!
Mentor small.png
Mentor small.png (227.49 Kio) Vu 6791 fois

le pcb fait 50mm de large (90 de long environ)
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Re: Angelia/Hermes Lite V2.0

Messagepar marc » 28 mai 2017, 10:29

Ce sera toi qui..... non, c'est pas ça

Pour les vicieux, les réu hard et soft de l'équipe de développement Hermes

dernière téléconférence (48 Mo environ)

Le début est sans le moindre intérêt, banalités, politesse... et ça monte très rapidement dans les tours et donne franchement envie.
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Re: Angelia/Hermes Lite V2.0

Messagepar marc » 28 mai 2017, 19:07

je viens d'achever (ou presque) Alexandrie, le pcb de la carte de commande des filtres Alex (andra et iares et bpf des nouveaux 8000DLE)
dimensions : 10x10, c'est aéré, mais je ne suis ni un dieu du routage, ni un forcené de la miniaturisation. Tant que ça tient dans les formats "économiques" des sous-traitants Chinois Seeed ou Dirt Cheap, ça me convient.

Alexandrie small.png
Alexandrie small.png (150.58 Kio) Vu 6787 fois

github :

Les deux circuits d'alimentation (en bas à gauche) ne sont pas encore reliés. Je n'ai pas franchement eu le temps d'évaluer les conso des différents périphériques qui s'y raccordent

Je doute avoir le temps cette semaine de m'attaquer à Alexandra, le filtre, pour des raison d'emploi du temps

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Re: Angelia/Hermes Lite V2.0

Messagepar f4grx » 30 mai 2017, 16:09

je viens de tilter

deux trous de vis en diagonale c'est pas super stable, t'en veux vraiment quatre, me suis déja fait avoir... mais je vois que ca va pas le faire.

ca n'est pas critique.
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Re: Angelia/Hermes Lite V2.0

Messagepar marc » 30 mai 2017, 16:16

pffff :- ( ( j'avoue y avoir pensé
Plus difficile à aligner aussi. Trois, c'est ce qu'il y a de plus stable. Je vais tenter, mais l'idéal est que l'on puisse avoir des trous de fixation qui permettent de monter Alexandrie et les deux filtres alexandra (lpf et hpf) sur des entretoises...
Mais dans ce cas, j'ai un trohu qui repousse soit un tore, soit le connecteur de raccordement.
Je ne promets rien...

c'est sacrément solide, des colonnettes vissées au M3. Surtout lorsque c'est logé dans un blindage (qui, lui, peut être fixé avec 4 vis)
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Re: Angelia/Hermes Lite V2.0

Messagepar marc » 31 mai 2017, 09:59


Alexandrie est désormais "stable" (enfin... façon de parler) avec 4 trohus de 3.5
Alexandrie dessous30.png
Alexandrie dessous30.png (95.94 Kio) Vu 6768 fois

Alexandrie dessus30.png
Alexandrie dessus30.png (109 Kio) Vu 6768 fois

Mentor s'est fait "silkmasquer" proprement par la même occasion
Mentor dessus30.png
Mentor dessus30.png (172.37 Kio) Vu 6768 fois

idem dessous
Mentor dessous30.png
Mentor dessous30.png (182.27 Kio) Vu 6768 fois

j'ai passé plus de temps à nettoyer et faire un silk à peu près propre que router le dahu. Mais ça en vaut la peine

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